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“It is more important to allocate money for immediate, existing social problems than to spend it on long-term research that might help future generations.”

August 5, 2007

Every society is faced by some or many of the social problem and at the same time they look forward to provide a better future to the coming generation. It is very important to allocate money for social problem existing in the current society. The society suffers from poverty, hunger, calamities, inequality and other social problems. It is very important to take these issues on highest priority to eliminate all form of deprivation suffered by section of society. At the same time some proportion of money has to b invested for making a better future to the coming generation.


In almost every society a section of society face hunger, malnutrition and many other inadequate good for their basic survival. It is very important for the government and society to eliminate these social evils and fulfill basic need of the people. If society does not show sympathy towards the needy people; then the tension between the different sections of the society will increase, and can lead to violence also. A major initiative has to be taken by every society to remove all these evils from their society.

 The other social problem is caused non-stop industrialization. The pollution of air, water and land is threatening the life of people. The poisonous underground water because of rampaged mining; polluted air caused by ever increasing industries and vehicles; fertility of land is threatened by use of inorganic chemicals. All of the above problem is threatening the human life. More and more people are getting displaced because of the change in the ecosystem. So expenditure and controlling the pollution is very essential to provide subsistence level of living to the people threatened by the pollution.

 The ever increasing rich and poor divide has to be removed for a better society and nation as a whole. The people living in the rural area feel isolated from the world and show their unhappiness towards and selfish nature of urban society. On one side, urban people has so high per capita income and expenditures; on the other side rural people are struggling to survive with their traditional resources is fast depleting. So the government should take initiative to provide adequate resources for their better living standard in rural area: otherwise more and more people will migrate to urban and threaten the heavily dense area of urban city.

  The second part of whole discussion is spending the money on long term research that will help future generation. It is very important to invest in long term research because that will only provide the way to eliminate many of the social problem. Like spending on the treatment of disease can solve a lot of social problem. Organic farming can help the farming society to increase their productivity. New research can provide solution for better technology that can reduce cost which will help the low income group to access those goods and technology, thus reducing the gap.

 So, it is very important to invest to eliminate the social problems faced by the society. It will first of all provide a better life to the section of society that is facing problem; at the same time it will also help to reduce the social tension between different sections caused by social problems. Also investing in future research will help to solve many of the social problems and also provide a better future to the ncxt generation.  

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